Em@ney Debit Mastercard®

Designed for all the payment needs of private and Business users.

The new Em@ney Debit Mastercard® guarantees maximum security for your payments.

A debit card designed for all the payment needs of private and Business users.

Are you a private customer? Apply for your Em@ney Debit Mastercard®! You can make payments via POS or online with complete security and speed and manage its functionality directly from your Home Banking.

Through the Em@ney 3D Secure app, you can authorise online payments with your fingerprint or facial recognition, guaranteeing maximum security during your purchases.

Are you a company? With our Debit Business Mastercard®, you can manage the expenses of your staff and employees, simplifying expense reporting and verification. You can set specific spending limits directly from your Home Banking for each debit card.

You can use your Em@ney Business Debit Mastercard® for all your business expenses, whether at the POS or online. Through the Em@ney 3D Secure app, authorise online payments by fingerprint or facial recognition to guarantee maximum security and speed during your purchases.

If you have a company and would like to create your Mastercard® programme to provide to your customers, contact us; our dedicated team will advise and help you create your Mastercard® payment program.*

Contact Us for your Debit MasterCard® Programme

* terms and conditions apply.

The Graphics

In designing our debit card Mastercard®, we turned to a draftsman. At odds with our trend in innovation, we wanted to honour artistic drawing in one of its most classic forms: pencil on cardboard.

Sergio Criminisi The artist who took up the challenge is Sergio Criminisi, graduated in decoration techniques from the Academy of Fine Arts in Agrigento, specialised in set design, he completed a second degree in "humorous comics" at the "B.Calzolari" school of comics in Milan.

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